Date:2023-06-28GCS柜:(MCC) 1、主构架 1)主架构采用8MF型开口型钢,型钢侧面分别有模数为20mm和100mm的直径9.2mm的安装孔&...
Date:2023-06-261、种类 (1)按用途分类 用于输配电能的变压器为电力变压器,如升压变压器,降压变压器;还有其他用途的变压器,如整流变压器,电压互感器,电流互感器,自耦变压器。(2)按交流电相数分...
Date:2023-06-15美式箱变和欧式箱变由于结构不同可靠性不同,应用的场合也不同。现将两种箱变的基本情况分别介绍如下: 一、美式箱变和欧式箱变的区别: 1、美式箱变: 1)、箱变的接线形式&n...
Date:2023-06-12低压配电柜检修流程有哪些?低压开关配电柜检修的具体操作方案是什么呢? 1、操作前应按下列步骤进行:逐个断开低压侧的负荷,断开高压侧的断路器,合上接地开关,并锁好高压开关柜,并在开关柜把手上挂...
Date:2023-06-09What is arc suppression and harmonic suppression? Arc suppression and harmonic suppression are generally aimed at ungrounded neutral systems. Arc suppression and harmonic suppression cabinet, also known as microcomputer arc suppression and harmonic suppression line selection and overvoltage protection device, is used in the power industry for power systems with ungrounded neutral points, neutral points grounded through arc suppression coils, or neutral points grounded through high resistance,...
Date:2024-03-21According to the Safety Regulations, low-voltage insulated conductors are considered as bare conductors. The cable is wrapped in a double layer of insulation skin, and the outer skin can be safely contacted under live conditions. Insulated wires are often used for overhead lines and must be able to withstand a certain amount of tension. Therefore, in the aluminum core of insulated wires that we often use, there will be one or more strands in the middle...
Date:2024-03-21Currently, the pace of urban and rural power grid construction is accelerating, and China's power generation is increasing day by day. Generally speaking, for every 11 kVA increase in the total capacity of the transformer; That is to say, while the power generation is increasing, it has also brought many drawbacks to many manufacturers, such as high installation costs of transformers, many unsafe factors and hidden dangers, and operation...
Date:2024-03-21A circuit breaker refers to a switching device that can close, carry, and break the current under normal circuit conditions, and can close, carry, and break the current under abnormal circuit conditions within a specified time. Circuit breakers are divided into high voltage circuit breakers and low voltage circuit breakers according to their scope of use. The division of high and low voltage boundaries is relatively vague, and generally 3kV and below are divided...